A.<span>illegal transportation </span>
capital: Ottawa
official languages: French and English
Rank among other countries for population: number 39 in the list of countries (and dependencies) by population.
Government: parliamentary democracy
Canada is the 2 largest country but only has 1/2 of the world's population. Canada is broken down into 7 physical regions: Arctic Lands, Cordillera, Interior Plains, Hudson Bay Lowland, Canadian Shield Forest Lands, St Lawrence Lowlands and Appalachia.
<u><em>The answer is</em></u>: <u>C. the clerk.</u>
<u />
<u>Lawyers of the Administration of Justice
They direct the Judicial Office exercising, among other things, the direct leadership of all personnel. Therefore, they direct and order the work, respond to the proper functioning of the office, prepare the statistics, inform the competent authority of the needs of personal and material resources of the office.
The lawyers of the Administration of Justice are public employees under the dependence of the Ministry of Justice.
<u><em>The answer is</em></u>: <u>C. the clerk.</u>
England or Germany those two are the answers