if there is a deficit or a surplus
if the budget is good
motion ------> electrical. winds push the turbines which generate a magnetic fields which in turn, generates electricity
Answer: It does make sense, because I've been involved in these careers and have a long family line of them. And other questions?
A binary geothermal power operates on the simple Rankine cycle with isobutane as the working fluid. The isentropic efficiency of the turbine, the net power output, and the thermal efficiency of the cycle are to be determined
Assumptions :
1. Steady operating conditions exist.
2. Kinetic and potential energy changes are negligible.
Properties: The specific heat of geothermal water (
[) is taken to be 4.18 kJ/kg.ºC.
Analysis (a) We need properties of isobutane, we can obtain the properties from EES.
a. Turbine
b. Pump

For this problem you must use 2 equations, the first is the continuity equation that indicates that all the mass flows that enter is equal to those that leave the system, there you have the first equation.
The second equation is obtained using the first law of thermodynamics that indicates that all the energies that enter a system are the same that come out, you must take into account the heat flows, work and mass flows of each state, as well as their enthalpies found with the temperature.
finally you use the two previous equations to make a system and find the mass flows
I attached procedure