Mass is conserverd
Any chemical reaction must follow the law of conservation of mass. Meaning that mass cannot be created nor destroyed. Since all chemical reactions must follow this law, no matter what reaction happens, mass is conserved.
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Surface Tension
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Surface tension is cohesive force created as a result of hydrogen bonding, that enables a liquid drop to have a minimum surface area.
Due to it being cohesive, the water top surface is concave in nature, allowing us to hence slightly overfill a glass with water.
Due to surface tension, the surface of water behaves like a stretched membrane, allowing dense objects like a length wise steel needle to float on water.
Thus, the hydrogen bonding in water creates __surface tension__, a cohesive force that enables one to slightly overfill a glass with water or allows denser objects, such as a lengthwise steel needle, to float on water
Actually, there are four kinds of reptile motion:
Concertina - vermiform. Circular muscles around the snake squeeze the front of the snake's body out long, then the latter half is pulled forward.
Rectilinear crawling - Belly scutes are moved forward individually in a wave-like motion.
Side-winding - Snake's version of "walking". Use by several species to move over fluidic substrates, such as sand.
Lateral undulation - Most common form of movement. Snake presses on alternating pressure points to force body forward (or backward)
(taken from a user on Yahoo from Correct Answers)