C is the answer!
A hard drive contains your operating system which can include your settings and preferences that you included in your device. But it mostly is a storage device so we know it WOULD NOT BE (B.
WOULD NOT BE D beacause powering it back on wouldnt do anything but bring you back to the start.
WOULD NOT BE A beacuse when taking out the battery then putting it back in would just be like turning it off then back on beacuse that just hold the power to a device.
IT WOULD BE C, C IS THE ANSWER beacuse a CMOS batttery contains the main system settings and also contains information so i think C would be the best answer for this choice.
Hope this helps!
xx <3
The currency element constitutes information whether the information of the website is current or up to date.
A website is a term used to describe unique publicly accessible web pages that are identified by a domain name. Information on websites is typically updated by website owners, hence, some websites may not be updated frequently when compared to others. Thus, the currency element is an element users take into consideration when evaluating a website's content, whether or not the information is up to date.
You can learn more about the currency element here
A programming language acts as a translator between you and the computer. Rather than learning the computer's native language (known as machine language), you can use a programming language to instruct the computer in a way that is easier to learn and understand.
En ciencias de la computación, el estado de un circuito lógico digital o programa de computadora es un término técnico para toda la información almacenada a la que un circuito o programa tiene acceso en un momento dado. La información recibida previamente en las entradas se almacena en la memoria de elementos electrónicos, como disparadores, celdas de memoria. El contenido almacenado de estos elementos de memoria, en un momento dado, denominado colectivamente el "estado" del circuito, contiene toda la información sobre el pasado al que tiene acceso el dispositivo. Así, básicamente, una computadora puede tener acceso a dicho estado o no, según se encuentre encendida o apagada.