To avoid any head injuries if one falls while driving a scooter
The correct answer is flat affect.
Flat affect refers to a reduction or lack of emotional expression due to conditions such as schizophrenia or depression. Flat affect is characterized by a lack of facial expressions, indifference or apathy in emotionally arousing situations, speaking in a monotone and overall lack of emotional expression.
Answer: Obama
Explanation: first name is Barack
Is it balanced?
The question tells a lot about my behavior analysis and what my willingness must be to do with the situation. The question is to asks two things which are fairness and rationality. If the decision is giving the person undue advantage and the person has a threatening tune then he will threaten me again. So the advantages demanded are danger sign for me. Their are number of questions you ask.
In some societies like Iraq, stealing books to read them is not a crime because the people think that he will definitely learn something valuable for his life.
So the best question here is "Is it balanced?".
It means that the vice president is really close to the presidency. meaning if anything happens to the president, the vice president, becomes president. they literally mean "a heartbeat away"