The endoplasmic reticulum transports proteins around the cell, so when the ribosome makes the protein, the endoplasmic reticulum transports it to the Golgi body for further processing.
It harms the gamates in your body and also harms your major organs. Too much radiation can also make you not be able to hav kids
matter is: Anything that takes up space and has mass
Because they have ovaries which contain eggs.
PCB (Poly-Chlorinated Biphenyls) are the major contaminants of groundwater that must be removed before circulating water among people. PCBs can also enter the food chain by contaminating aquatic organisms. Working on PCBs and removing it from water is a challenging process. Various processes are involved in removal of these contaminants from the groundwater. Among these one is the use of microorganisms. Microbial process is a potent bioremediating method.
DEGRADATION OF PCBs through microorganisms is an effective process as PCBs are susceptible to degradation. PCBs are transformed into smaller parts by microorganisms that make them more soluble and easily degradable.