Value of the unknown quantity for which from given equation we get true numerical equality is called root of that equation. Two equations are called equivalent when the multitudes of their roots match, the roots of the first equation are also roots of the second and vice versa. The following rules are valid:
1. If in given equation one expression is substituted with another identity one, we get equation equivalent to the given.
2. If in given equation some expression is transferred from one side to the other with contrary sign, we get equation equivalent to the given.
3. If we multiply or divide both sides of given equation with the same number, different from zero, we get equation equivalent to the given.
Equation of the kind ax+b=0, where a,b are given numbers is called simple equation in reference to the unknown quantity x.
Step-by-step explanation:
k - 3
Step-by-step explanation:
In this expression, only 8k and 7k can be subtracted. This is because they have the same variable, meaning they are "like terms".
8k - 7k - 3 = 1k - 3
rest of them (40%)
Step-by-step explanation:
The number of a acute angle in a rectangle is 89 through 1 the obtuse angle in a rectangle is 91 through inf and a right angle of a rectangle is 90 degrees
for this problem you just multiply the 20 by 2=40
and then you add 40+3=43
which will equal

if you divide

so G

36. C

so if you subtract

will equal