<span>I think choice C is my answer. Genetics is the factor that primarily influences my health. As soon as you are born, one can tell if the baby is going to be a healthy one or not. Some babies have birth defects or conditions in which prevent them to live past a certain age. So I believe genetics is the most important factor. The it comes down to the environment in which one lives. Say the environment is polluted, this can have a huge impact in an individuals health in the long run. You want to live in an environment which will offer you the greatest health benefits. Medical care is the next important factor. Without proper medical care, one cannot survive if they were to get a disease. For example, back in the days when medical care wasn't administered to the public, people died at a younger age. Lastly personal behavior also has a role in determining ones health. If people chooses to smoke or drink a lot, it will deteriorate their health immensely. Personal health choices is something that should also be pay attention to since it impacts one's overall health.</span>