It depend some plants have the waxy layer because of their cuticles and to make sure the leaf doesn't dry out or to protect it againts the harmful sun rays when directly shined on its good to have sun but not too much. HOPE THIS HELPS
It is most likely due to the fact that the attenuation is the evolutionary relic, which by accident has remained does not support the actual reason of the dual control to regulate the operon.
Answer: Option E
In bacteria transcription and translation carries out at the same time so or the termination of transcription in premature phase in bacteria uses a special mechanism which is called as attenuation T.
he attenuation in bacteria is a regulatory mechanism. Trp operon is the group of codes of the components. These operons are the actual functioning group of the DNA.
The correct answer would be a. Fragments of DNA that have desired genes are isolated to form recombination DNA for use in a host. Genetic engineering refers to the direct manipulation or modification of the desired gene in a cell in order to produce novel or improved organism.
A) boreal forest and tundra
Boreal forests are present north of 50-60 degree north latitude. Tundra biomes are also called as arctic tundra and are also located in extremes of the north latitude. Boreal forests are world' largest biome and stretches across both North America and Eurasia. So, the two habitats are found at high latitudes among the given options are: boreal forest and tundra.