Remember, you can have a credit card account without carrying any debt on it. Credit card debt is certainly a bad idea, one that can cost you a lot of money and damage your credit scores. But credit cards themselves are simply tools to buy stuff. As a credit card user, you decide whether you’ll use those tools in a manner that works for you… or against you.
This is an answer that requires a personal opinion. I will give you my opinion with an explanation so you can understand it and if you want, you can modify it.
I agree.
What this question proposes to us is that there is no absolute truth when it comes to morality.
There is no one truth about morality that applies to everyone as if it were a rule. And this happens because there are many sets of subjective norms, beliefs, values and customs that direct or guide the behavior of groups of people in society and that vary depending on each person.
Something that is moral for a certain cultural group may not be for another in another part of the world.
That is why in my personal opinion I agree that there is no objective 'truth' in morality. "
Because its something you can see and hold you can pick it up :)
United States Supreme Court case which held that installing a Global Positioning System tracking device on a vehicle and using the device to monitor the vehicle's movements constitutes a search under the Fourth Amendment.