this is my answer this is helpful for you
Some guidance notes which may help.To calculate the current flow, Ohm's law can be used. This can be written as current=voltage/resistance, or I=V/R. V is 1.5V.R for the copper wire quoted would be calculated as R = resistivity x length/cross sectional area. The area would be calculated from the formula area = pi x diameter squared/4So, R=resistivity x length divided by (pi x diameter squared/4)Until is the resistivity of copper is known, that's about as far as can be gone.Any further questions, please ask.
Strange as it may seem, the object would keep moving, in a straight line and at the same speed, until it came near another object. Its momentum and kinetic energy would never change. It might continue like that for a billion years or more.
Have a look at Newton's first law of motion.
omg i'm so sorry, i hope you get better <3!