The place value of 1 is hundred thousands.
4:3 for the ratio and for the word ratio you can say that there is 4 squares and 3 triangles
Step-by-step explanation:Add 532+150=680 then times it by 25 which equals 17,000
(a) So the top of the hill is 365 feet above sea level.
(b) Checkpoint 5 is 185 feet higher than checkpoint 2.
Step-by-step explanation:
<u>Solution for (a):</u>
<u />
Checkpoint 2 is -218 feet above sea level.
The top of a hill rises 583 feet above Checkpoint 2.
The altitude of the top of the hill = -218 + 583 = 365
So the top of the hill is 365 feet above sea level.
<u>Solution for (b):</u>
<u />
Checkpoint 2 is -218 feet above sea level.
Checkpoint 5 is -33 feet above sea level.
Checkpoint 5 is -33 - -218 = 185 feet higher than checkpoint 2.
Step-by-step explanation:
The right angle opposite is the hypotenuse
The 30° is the opposite
Soh = Sin because you got Opposite and Hypotenuse (because you're trying to find the side, you'd do the opposite of dividing, which is times)