25 years
Ossification is the process of bone tissue formation. Osteoblasts are responsible for the process of ossification. It begins when the fetus is three months old and goes on till 25 years of age. Upper limbs get ossified first, followed by lower limbs, sternum and vertebrae.
There are two types of ossification processes. When bone is directly developed using the primitive connective tissue (mesenchyme) it is called as intramembranous ossification, while in endochondral ossification cartilage is used as a precursor.
To reduce the likelihood of human error, to gather more evidence, and to make his numbers more exact.
The parts wich are derived from these three areas include:the cerebellum,the brain stem of the brain stem consists of the parts:the midbrain,bridge brain,the medulla oblongata.other parts of the brain including the thalamus,hypothalamus and limbic device.
B. Antibodies react specifically with an antigen.
Serological tests are blood tests that look for antibodies in your blood. They can involve a number of laboratory techniques. Flucculation tests are based on the precipitation that takes place when antibody and specially prepared antigens are mixed together
the reaction was altered by the enzyme