The samurai gain prestige and became respected during the 10th century
TLDR; 10th
Kkksksososkwkwow sorry forget me 2+2=43
b. unlimited wants and limited resources.
There are different definitions of economics. Some say it´s a science that studies the production, distribution and consumption of good and services. Another definition refers to the theories and models that govern the market process. But definitely, economics must strike a balance between a society´s wants - that may be unlimited - and the limited resources available.
It is assumed that voters rely on what is called heuristics in their decision making or judgement in the process of voting. Heuristics according to political scientist are cognitive shortcuts to simply decision-making. According to political scientist, an understanding of these heuristics can help people easily see how the apply to how voters make decisions.
Explosive eruption—beware of ash!
Gases push out magma with great force!
Volcano quietly erupts due to low-viscosity magma!
High silica content of magma results in lava reaching sea level by morning