Why is Clovis I important? Clovis I was king of the Franks and ruler of much of Gaul from 481 to 511, a key period during the transformation of the Roman Empire into Europe. ... Though he was not the first Frankish king, he was the kingdom's political and religious founder.
Culture in South America here is some notes!
The culture of South America draws on diverse cultural traditions from the continent of South America. These include the native cultures of the peoples that inhabited the continents prior to the arrival of the Europeans; European cultures, brought mainly by the Spanish, the Portuguese and the French; African cultures, whose presence derives from a long history of New World slavery; and the United States, particularly via mass culture such as cinema and TV.
His journeys increased China's political clout across the world, allowing him to form diplomatic alliances with other empires and open up commercial possibilities.
The correct answer is George Wallace
George Wallace was the Governor of Alabama during the Selma marches and was a noted segregationist. Wallace later ran for President on a segregation platform. Wallace was a old school Democrat that believed in wide ranging antipoverty programs, but only for white citizens.
D. It did not allow for a centralized government