The answer is muscle cells. This is because they are responsible
for either voluntary movement (skeletal muscle) or involuntary movement (smooth muscle). This movement requires energy to
power the movement of the actin and myosin action
that is the core of every muscle. Each myosin has an ATP-binding site.
When people lift weights, microscopic damage (microtears) occurs to the myofibrils within the muscle fiber. These microtears stimulate the body's repair response. ... The increased number of myofibrils causes muscle fibers to enlarge, increasing their volume and size.
Why are the seminal vesicles important for human reproduction?
This might help:
The seminal vesicles (Latin: glandulae vesiculosae), vesicular glands, or seminal glands, are a pair of simple tubular glands posteroinferior to the urinary bladder of some male mammals. Seminal vesicles are located within the pelvis. They secrete fluid that partly composes the semen.
They pass through the prostate, and open into the urethra at the seminal colliculus. During ejaculation, semen passes through the prostate gland, enters the urethra and exits the body via the urinary meatus.
I believe that the answer is:
They allow the sperm to travel to the urethra to be released.
Based on the CDC Article There were about 300 species of birds infected by the west Nile virus in Florida. good luck:)