a, and f.
To be deprotonated, the conjugate acid of the base must be weaker than the acid that will react, because the reactions favor the formation of the weakest acid. The pKa value measures the strength of the acid. As higher is the pKa value, as weak is the acid. So, let's identify the conjugate acid and their pKas:
a. NaNH2 will dissociate, and NH2 will gain the proton and forms NH3 as conjugate acid. pKa = 38.0, so it happens.
b. NaOH will dissociate, and OH will gain the proton and forms H2O as conjugate acid. pKa = 14.0, so it doesn't happen.
c. NaC≡N will dissociate, and CN will gain a proton and forms HCN as conjugate acid. pKa = 9.40, so it doesn't happen.
d. NaCH2(CO)N(CH3)2 will dissociate and forms CH3(CO)N(CH3)2 as conjugate acid. pKa = -0.19, so it doesn't happen.
e. H2O must gain one proton and forms H3O+. pKa = -1.7, so it doesn't happen.
f. CH3CH2Li will dissociate, and the acid will be CH3CH3. pKa = 50, so it happens.
The branched structure isomer will require less energy to melt than the straight chain isomer
Branched structure isomer has weak intermolecular forces of attraction as compared to straight chain isomers. In addition the branched isomer has a low boiling point as compared to straight chain isomers. Since boiling require the of the intermolecular forces tend to have lower boiling point than straight chain
The HONC 1234 rule is a way to remember the bonding tendencies of hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon atoms in molecules. Hydrogen tends to form one bond, oxygen two, nitrogen three and carbon four.
1. alpha particle
alpha particles are positively charged helium nuclei with weak penetrating power
Density=6.86 g/cm^3