The Slavs are an Indo-European people whose origin lies in Eastern Europe. They became the dominant group of people in Eastern Europe shortly after the fall of the Roman Empire, although they had to share and compete for this land with other groups like the Magyars, the Baltic Peoples, and the Finno-Ugric Peoples.
The Slavs have several subgroups, essentially East Slavs: Russians, Ukrainians, Byelorussians, West Slavs: Poles, Czech, Slovaks, and South Slavs: Serbs, Bosnians, Croats, Slovenes, Montenegrins, Macedonians, and Bulgarians.
As head of state of the U.S. Government meaning the president is the highest ranking member of government he or she represents the United States as the chief diplomat in interactions with other countries. Also given his constitutional powers he or she is also the commander in chief meaning they are in charge of the military with fits with their overall position as head of the executive branch of the U.S. Government.
Voting and elections are subjects that have their own special language. This glossary defines some of the unique terms that you may encounter during an election season.
Ballot — A list of candidates and proposed laws that voters mark to make choices. A ballot may be made of paper and marked with a pen or hole punch or it may be electronic and voters mark their choices with the push of a button or by touch screen.
Ballot Initiative — A proposed law drafted by citizens and placed on the ballot to be approved or rejected by voters. Ballot initiatives are usually drafted by a group of voters who are passionate about a particular issue.
5 to 9 members
Optimal number is simply known to be the best or favorable or required number at a particular point in time.
Normally, every work, especially works that related to sport use to have the required number of people that can work with them at a particular time, most especially when going for a game.
In this case, the expert suggested that, the optimal number of members for a team should be within 5 to 9. And this should include all the needed personnel.
Everyone experiences negative emotions. This statement is true.
<h3>What is emotion?</h3>
Emotion can be described as the feeling that a person is having that can be very on a large scale, are there a lot of feelings like anger, laugh, happiness, sadness, etc
Everyone's experiences are human emotions is it a true statement in everybody's life there are some changes with her happening with make them of a set and sometimes to the people also it can be caused due to hormonal changes.
Emotions that are considered negative, like sadness, jealousy, guilt, frustration, etc.
Learn more about emotion, here