19,999,985 nomas creo y soy positivo que si es pero puedes ablar ingles
Bimetallic strips are used in thermostats for measuring and controlling temperature. The strip is connected to a switch and as the temperature changes, the strip flexes and opens or closes a contact. They are also used in ovens for measuring temperature. An electromechanical thermostat typically contains either a bi-metal coil or a metal strip. When the temperature changes, this coil or strip will move, causing a vial containing mercury to tip to one side. The mercury flows to one end of the vial, signaling that the heating or cooling needs to be turned on.
That's a great idea ! A wind turbine (windmill) or solar panels
on the roof of every WalMart, but don't stop there. Let K-Mart,
Target, Sears, Macy's, 7-11, McDonald's, and Subway in on it too.
In fact, why not place them on the roof of every house and
apartment building too ?
Just one question: Who's going to pay for them ?
The biggest single year-round residential use of energy in the
USA is to heat up and keep a ready supply of hot water. So the
single biggest residential use of energy could be eliminated with
a simple solar water heater on the roof of every house. From my
own personal observation, I know that Israel is there now, but here
in the USA, it's apparently not worth the time, effort, or expense ! ? !
The nervous system handles the stress response, which, if overworked, can eventually lead to diseases ranging from high blood pressure to diabetes.
hope I helped
Night vision goggles capture infrared light given off by heat