Answer: The coefficient is 3.645
The exponent is 1
There are 4 significant digits
The rightmost significant figure is 5
Scientific notation is defined as the representation of expressing the numbers that are too big or too small and are represented in the decimal form with one digit before the decimal point times 10 raise to the power.
For example : 5000 is written as 
According to avogadro's law, 1 mole of every gas contains avogadro's number
of particles, occupy 22.4 L at STP and weighs equal to its molecular mass.
131.29 g of Xe occupy = 22.4 L at STP.
Thus 213.62 g of
occupy =
at STP.
Scientific notation = 
The coefficient is 3.645
The exponent is 1
There are 4 significant digits
The rightmost significant figure is 5
La Luna ? Deberia ser materia
They include frequency, period,speed,amplitude and phase
All of the above
Proteins contain a long chain of amino acids which are a chain of oxygen, nitrogen, carbon, hydrogen or sulfur.
The giant piles of mining waste called tailings. These wastes consists of ground rock and process effluents from a mining plant. These wastes are stored on a surface either in a facility or in the form of piles. Also, sometimes it is stored underground in areas that are mined out.