The phenomena represented here mark the direction of magnetic field that travels from North direction of the South.
The phenomena represented here mark the direction of magnetic field that travels from North direction of the South.
It also represents the alignment of magnetic dipoles with in a magnet in a direction in line with any external magnetic field in a way that it produces its own magnetic field that travels from North to the South direction.
Becuase the British would not let them have a diffrent faith or religion, it was only what the king said you. if the king said you were Christian you were Christian if the king said you were Muslim. If you denied what the king said, he would excute you for treason
That's why we have the first amendment, freedom of speech; which allows us to say whatever we want and also beleve in whatever we want. (Unless it is harming yourselves or other people)
Some sodium channels have been inactivated and cannot be reopened immediately.
Explanation: A stimuli is a term used to describe any sensation on a living organism such as plants or animals which is likely to create a form of response or responses by that living organism.
Sodium channels are specifically connected with stimuli transfer, once the intervals between stimuli decrease it will affect the response provided as the sodium channels may not be able to reopen immediately in order to manage the next stimuli.
Out of Africa theory
This theory is supported by modern research that early primate life begun in Africa and later spread to other parts of the world. several prehistoric sites have been unearthed in the East African region which supports these assertions.
B and D are correct.
A is incorrect: Trees cannot live fully immersed in sea water.
C is incorrect: The surfaces are very varied all over the ocean floor.