For the Hydrosphere, drag Pond and lake.
For the Atmosphere, drag gaseous nitrogen.
For biosphere, drag Mountain Range, micrograms, and coastal vegetation.
I don’t know about the Geosphere (sorry)
As a result of decreasing Arctic sea ice, animals that rely on the sea level for survival may become extinct as their habitat disappears.
The increase in the atmospheric greenhouse gases means that more radiant energy from the sun that could have escaped back into space is being absorbed, leading to an increase in the global temperature.
The increase in the global temperature means that more Arctic sea ice would be melting and decreasing in size. As the ice melts, the water moves into seas thereby causing a rise in their levels.
A rise in sea level means the disappearance of coastal habitats. Thus, a loss in biodiversity will occur as the habitats of plants and animals disappear as a result of the rise in sea levels.
More on climate change can be found here:
That sounds right. You should apply a continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) device, monitor his blood pressure, and observe him for signs of improvement or deterioration in this given situation.
Probability and curiosity is what is comes down to. When a hypothesis is shared, you figure out how your hypothesis is correct, on the other hand, you choose the best suited hypothesis that is more probable of what can happen