SQL queries
The command used to display the customer ID and total number of orders placed is given below
SELECT CustomerID, COUNT (orderID) AS TotalOrders
FROM Order_Table
SQL queries
The command used to display the customer ID and total number of orders placed is given below
SELECT CustomerID, COUNT (orderID) AS TotalOrders
FROM Order_Table
SELECT - To query the database and get back the specified fields SQL uses the select statement
CustomerID is a coloumn name
The function COUNT(OrderID) returns the number of orders
Totalorderds is a label
FROM - To query the database and get back the preferred information by specifying the table name
Order_Table is a table name
GROUP BY - The clause is used to group the result of a SELECT statement done on a table where the tuple values are similar for more than one column
The table below displays the CustomerID and total number of orders placed
CustomerID Totalorders
4 28
1 6
12 5
16 5
6 3
9 3
15 3
3 1
13 1
14 1
The table below shows the total number of orders situated for each sales person
SalesPerson_ID TotalOrders
3 16
2 3
4 3
5 3
<u>Paired programming:</u>
Paired programming is a new technique where one person gets one another to<em> write the code</em>. Here one will write the code and other will start verifying as the type.
So we might think it is waste to employ two person for same task but it is not so. There are many <em>benefits in incorporating this technique</em>. Let us see those benefits one by one.
- <em>Inter-personal skill gets improved
- <em>Lower amount of coding mistake
- <em>Learn from each other
- <em>Peer review enhance collaboration
Challenges expect to arise during pair-programming
Two heads are superior to one. On the off chance that the driver experiences a <em>hitch with the code</em>, there will be two of them who'll take care of the issue.
- Builds up your <em>staff's relational aptitudes</em>. Working together on a solitary venture encourages your group to welcome the estimation of <em>correspondence and collaboration. </em>
Overcome Method
The most ideal approach to move <em>toward blending</em> is to accomplice two software engineers and have them share a PC. The pair ought to have the option to choose how to part the work, and it is prudent that they should <em>switch jobs frequently.</em>
Since there are only two digits in binary, there are only two possible outcomes of each partial multiplication: If the digit in B is 0, the partial product is also 0. If the digit in B is 1, the partial product is equal to A.
When permanent magnets of a motor are replaced with more powerful ones, the motor rotation will increase. This is because there is more electricity being generated.