How members of the lower house of Congress should be elected. -What should be done about the slave trade. -How the power of the executive branch be structured. -How the Constitution should be considered for ratification. -How the states should be represented in national legislature. -the national governments role in issuing paper money. -division of national and state powers. -extent of veto power. -which governmental body should have the power to declare war. -if slaves should be counted in determining representation in national legislature
Hope this helps
Maybe you could write because people are consentrating on their phones juring class.
Maybe they are skipping lessons .
Maybe the teachers are sleeping in class because they did not get their full sallery.
<em><u>The answer is</u></em>: <u>They not only serve for Regenerative Medicine, but also for the "screening" of new drugs, and some other things.</u>
Currently, studies in regenerative medicine are aimed at research and knowledge of induced pluripotent cells (iPSCs). For some, they are the cells called to take over from embryonic stem cells (ESCs), which until recently were the main objective of research in this field of biomedicine.
<u>Since the first cultures of mouse embryonic cells derived from blastocysts were obtained in 1981</u>, the foundations were laid for the development of the necessary methodologies that would lead later to generate human embryonic cells with characteristics similar to those of the mouse.
In addition to their interest in Regenerative Medicine, these types of cells are a tool of great value for the "screening" of new drugs, as well as a model to study the etiology of diseases that originate during the embryonic stage, and to study processes that occur during human embryonic development
<em><u>The answer is</u></em>: <u>They not only serve for Regenerative Medicine, but also for the "screening" of new drugs, and some other things.</u>
A. powerful and unified because its a union i don't think that there is a better way to explain it.