es una comida mexicana :)
Old Major is the allegorical figure for Karl Marx or Vladimir Lenin, depending on your interpretation of the text. Both men stood for basically the same thing, and these things was what Orwell was exploring in the novel.
It is required that in order to receive citizenship from the US, you must take an oath of loyalty and make a pledge of allegiance to the US.
<span>United States of America refused to enter 1920 when Warren G. Harding came to the presidency, although, as we mentioned, Wilson was his promoter. Germany was denied entry, but joined in 1926, to leave again after Hitler's accession to power in 1933. The Soviet Union was also denied entry, acceded in 1934 and was Again expelled in 1939 Japan left in 1933 and Italy in 1936. In addition, the league never had the economic or military means to impose its resolutions. The thirties marked their ultimate failure. The aggressions of the fascist and militarist powers showed their inefficiency. The beginning of the Second World War meant the end of the first world organization of nations. Among the same peace treaties with which World War I ends, includes the creation of the League of Nations or League of Nations, which had US President Thomas W. Wilson as its great promoter</span>