Perm lasts longer
Cuz a chemical relaxer only lasts a few weeks and a perm lasts a few months hope this helps
The temperature of the Ocean affects weather conditions. Because the Gulf Stream moves warmer water from the North Atlantic towards Europe they actually have warmer winters than other areas do.
R₂ / R₁ = D / L
The resistance of a metal is
R = ρ L / A
Where ρ is the resistivity of aluminum, L is the length of the resistance and A its cross section
We apply this formal to both configurations
Small face measurements (W W)
The length is
L = W
A = W W = W²
R₁ = ρ W / W² = ρ / W
Large face measurements (D L)
Length L = D= 2W
Area A = W L
R₂ = ρ D / WL = ρ 2W / W L = 2 ρ/L
The relationship is
R₂ / R₁ = 2W²/L
Pulling a person down so we stick to the surface
They are the same
Electromagnetic waves consist of perpendicular oscillations of electric and magnetic field, which oscillate perpendicularly to the direction of motion of the wave (transverse wave). One property of the electromagnetic waves is that they travel in a vacuum always at the same speed, called speed of light:

Electromagnetic waves are classified into 7 different types according to their frequency; from highest to lowest frequency, we have:
Gamma rays
Visible light
Radio waves
We see that both visible light and gamma rays are electromagnetic waves, so they both travel in a vacuum at the same speed, the speed of light.