Non-profit organizations usually depend on grants or fund raising to cover their expenses so they must be very careful with their expenses.One consequence of this dependence can be running out of money. If they depend on fundraising and have regular fund raising campaigns then they have more independence as they rely on their own efforts to raise money rather than on government which can interfere in how they want to run their affairs.
The correct formulae is CCl4
An amoeba splits during binary fission into two separate cells.
The amoeba have identical offspring while all others have genetic variences
The proportions of nucleotides in the newly formed complimentary strand will be:
14% Thymine (T), 33% Adenine (A), 21% Guanine (G), 32% Cytosine (C).
In a double stranded DNA, the nucleotides of one strand binds with nucleotides of another strand through hydrogen bonds.
Adenine binds with thymine by two hydrogen bonds (A=T) and guanine binds with cytosine by three hydrogen bonds (G≡C).
So, the complimentary strand must have
- thymine equal to the amount of adenine in template strand.
- adenine equal to the amount of thymine in template strand.
- guanine equal to the amount of cytosine in template strand.
- cytosine equal to the amount of guanine in template strand.