Your life would be most immediately threatened if you suffered destruction of the Medulla.
The medulla oblongata is a portion of the hindbrain that controls autonomic functions such as breathing, digestion, heart and blood vessel function, swallowing, and sneezing. It is located in the brainstem, anterior and partially inferior to the cerebellum.
-The medulla is easily the most important part of the brain. It's functions are involuntary, or done without thought. We would not be able to live without the medulla because of the myriad of crucial tasks it performs including regulating blood pressure and breathing.
False, financial freedom is not owing anyone money.
The route sperm take through the human male reproduction by C. Vas deference, epididymis then the Urethra.
Carrying capacity is the amount that a vehicle can carry or the amount that it is capable of carrying.
Answer:pencil life cycle is way different because as you know they make pencils from wood which is trees so they have to grow the trees first.