In a study comparing banks in Germany and Great Britain, a sample of 145 matched pairs of banks was formed. Each pair contained
one bank from Germany and one from Great Britain. The pairings were made in such a way that the two members were as similar as possible in regards for factors like size and age. The ratio of total loans outstanding to total assets was calculated for each bank. For this ration, the sample mean difference (German – Great Britain) was 0.0518 and the sample standard deviation of the differences was 0.3055. Test, against a two sided alternative, the null hypothesis that the two population means are equal.
Let the population mean for Germany and Great Britain be represented by and respectively hence
Null hypothesis
Alternative hypothesis
Sample size, n=145
Student’s t statistics is given by
From t table,
The decision rule is to reject null hypothesis if
Therefore, we reject the null hypothesis because the computed t value is more than critical value. We conclude that the difference between the two population is mean.