<em>=</em><em> </em><em>Option</em><em> </em><em>b</em><em> </em><em>Minicomputer ..........</em>
LIke jazz, photography has fallings that are being implied to the pictures such as the jazz music. These felling or as there commonly know as soul can make great music and even HD pictures in photography.
Input dollars
Set Euros = 0.91 * dollars
Set Yens = 109.82 * dollars
Output Euros
Output Yens
Note: The rates are as of 07-Feb-2020
In today's world, everyone using smartphones as it easily allow to communicate by using different types of features like texting, video, e-mail and by using internet we can run various types of applications.
Smartphones carries one of the main and important skills that is show our current location. By using various types of applications like Global positioning system (GPS), cell ID and wifi we can easily trace the location.
But there is different types of option according to the individual requirement as some people want privacy as they are not interested to share their location to anyone.