Bromine can be classified as a pure substance.
Bromine is an element with atomic number 35 on group 17 of the Periodic Table. That's the first sign that shows us that it is a pure substance.
But the fact that it has a clear and defined boiling and melting point is a sign that we are in the presence of a pure substance. Pure substances are characterized by defined boiling and melting points.
Mixtures usually have a range of temperatures in which they melt and boil.
Have a nice day!
The answer is CH3CH2CH2CHO
Here's what I get.
- If your teachers don't ask for a specific type of formula, a condensed structural formula should be OK.
- If they ask specifically for a structural formula or a bond-line formula, that is what you must give.
Bottom line: ask your teachers in advance what they expect.
A solubility curve is a graph of solubility, measured in g/100 g water, against temperature in °C. Solubility curves for more than one substance are often drawn on the same graph, allowing comparisons between substances