b.used to evaluate a company's liquidity and short-term debt paying ability.
The current ratio is a liquidity ratio that measures a company's ability to pay short-term obligations or those due within one year. It tells investors and analysts how a company can maximize the current assets on its balance sheet to satisfy its current debt and other payables.
The current ratio is sometimes referred to as the “working capital” ratio and helps investors understand more about a company’s ability to cover its short-term debt with its current assets.
A company with a current ratio less than one does not, in many cases, have the capital on hand to meet its short-term obligations if they were all due at once, while a current ratio greater than one indicates the company has the financial resources to remain solvent in the short-term.
Intermind core intellectual property assets.
complementary intellectual property mix
optimize the intellectual property mix
Regularly elevate intellectual data
Create an innovation culture
The company uses up $5,000 of an existing asset and the company adjusts its accounts accordingly. This is an example of a deferral adjustment.
It is a deferral adjustment on account that a current asset had been used up, which means its miles deferred like supplies expenses are recorded on the year stop relying upon how much resources had been used in the course of the year.
Deferrals are adjusting entries for items bought earlier and used up in the destiny (deferred fees) or whilst coins are received in advance and earned inside the future (deferred sales).
The primary distinction between accrual and a deferral is that accrual is used to deliver forward an accounting transaction into the current period for recognition, whilst a deferral is used to put off such popularity until a later length.
Learn more about deferral adjustment here
Revenue from the sale of Product C = $36 × 2500
= $90,000
Cost to produce Product C = $14 × 2500
= $35,000
Revenue from the sale of Product M = $47 × 2500
= $117,500
Differential Total Net Revenue of producing Product M
= $117,500 - $90,000
= $27,500
Answer: The final stage is Post-Purchase Behavior