Find the LCD of 9/14 and 2/7. LCD is 14.
Make the denominators(bottom numbers) the same as the LCD(14)
Simplify. Now denominators are same and even
Join the denominators so make it into -9 + 4 / 14
Now simplify it lastly
Answer: 5/-14.
Weather data includes any facts or numbers about the state of the atmosphere, including temperature, wind speed, rain or snow, humidity, and pressure. These days, we have some amazing ways to collect this kind of data. We have high-tech equipment that can measure everything with amazing accuracy.
There’s 60 seconds in a min
Answer: D) Inverse does not exist
<u>Step-by-step explanation:</u>
The top row is 0 0 , which makes the determinant equal to zero.
The reciprocal of 0 is undefined so there cannot be an inverse for this matrix.