sweeps out equal areas in equal times.
As we know that there is no torque due to Sun on the planets revolving about the sun
so we will have

now we have

now we also know that

so rate of change in area is given as

so we will have

since angular momentum and mass is constant here so
all planets sweeps out equal areas in equal times.
The current will be divided by 2
Inertia : a property of matter by which it continue in its existing state of rest or uniform motion in a straight line, unless that state is changed by external force.
Answer: The second option.When
the current flows up the wire, the magnetic field flows out on the left
side of the wire and in on the right side of the wire.Explanation:
The first figure that I copy here with is the figure corresponding to this question.
The thumb is pointing upward.
The rule is that the thumb aims to the direction of the flow of current and the other fingers give the field lines.
The second figure that I attach is a free image from internet and it shows the direction of both the current and the fiedl lines.
So, the conclusion is that
the current goes upward the wire and the field lines go out of the paper (screen) for the points to the left of the wire and in on the right side of the wire.
Fill the graduated cylinder partially with water to a level where you can submerge the object and drop the sinker weight into the water. If you don't have a graduated cylinder to fit your object, put a cylinder in a basin, fill it to the top with water and measure the overflow into the basin. Your answer will be less accurate because of the number of times the water has been moved. Note the amount of displacement in milliliters (ml) caused by the sinker and string.
Measure the mass of your object (say a cork) on a balance scale in grams (g). Be sure the object is dry when it is measured. Record its weight. Attach the sinker with the string to the object. If you use a staple or pin, be sure to include that when you measure the displacement of the sinker in step one.