
Bulk modulus is defined as the relative change in the volume of a body produced by a unit of compressive acting uniformly over its surface:

Hence the density of the seawater at a depth of 680atm is calculated as:-

The World Is Pure Enough as it is that we don't melt or (lose air) \_/
All people don't have to be concerned about is a disruption of the plethora of gases we already have in our atmosphere and trees need C02 in order to breath and that's what cows produce that's what we breath out and what coal plants and fossil fuels produce the more C02 the more trees produce oxygen because trees breathe in C02 and pop out Oxygen and plus power plants don't produce C02 they produce water vapor so (ALL IN ALL C02 Will not cause the Ice Caps to melt because trees already have that issue covered that's why the scientists said they fixed the global warming issue to keep people from whining about a non-existent problem. so basically its true The greenhouse effect does keep the earth warm halfly because of the hot gases that get trapped in the atmosphere like C02.True
Answer: People know that they jap e learned by their mistakes or by someone ya being them something
1.A) 4.9 m
AL2006 Ace
The instant it was dropped, the ball had zero speed.
After falling for 1 second, its speed was 9.8 m/s straight down (gravity).
Its AVERAGE speed for that 1 second was (1/2) (0 + 9.8) = 4.9 m/s.
Falling for 1 second at an average speed of 4.9 m/s, is covered 4.9 meters.
ANYTHING you drop does that, if air resistance doesn't hold it back.
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2 idk sorry