As Chief Executive the president can: implement policy, supervise the executive branch of government, prepare executive budget for submission to congress, and appoint and remove executive officials. The head of government is the chief officer of the executive branch of a government, often presiding over a cabinet.
$44 billion.
Alcohol-impaired-driving crashes are automobile crashes caused as a result of a driver driving under the influence of alcohol, especially when he exceeds the daily allowed average, BAC (Blood Alcohol Concentration), which is 0.8g/deciliter.
This implies that it is illegal and a punishable offense for a driver of any kind of motor vehicle to continue driving when his blood alcohol concentration is above the allowed limit.
Capable of leaving occupied countries
It means the country is liberated from foreign interference of military power in their political system.
How are the cases similar to each other? In other words, why would the earlier case be a precedent in the decision for the other?
What are the main arguments for each side in the Vernonia v. Acton case? What details does each side use to support their opinion?
Which side in the Vernonia v. Acton case had the stronger argument and why? (It's okay to choose either side. You will not be graded on your opinion, but rather on how well you support it with facts. Remember that even Supreme Court justices do not always agree!) pls keep it organized