Answer: Immobilized and kept in the water waiting the EMS personnel arrive
When we are facing spinal injuries, sudden movements can be lethal, that is why we seek to immobilize the victim and wait for medical personnel to arrive at the site of attention, since if the rescuer makes a bad maneuver when removing the victim of water, even though it is immobilized, it is at risk of suffering future consequences.
First aid care is intended to keep the accident scene in a stable condition until EMS personnel arrive.
Are dependent on
all living things exist in a cycle, all organisms are dependent on each other in keeping it going. Diagrams like food webs help demonstrate this cycle.
The best answer to the question: Which hygiene claim is supported by research? Would be: B: Brushing with a fluoride toothpaste helps prevent cavities.
We can first start this by saying, that right off the bat, we can totally rule out options C and D as a correct answer. Research, in fact, has shown, first that antibacterial soap does not have a higher impact on overall disease acquisition than regular soap, and rather, it does affect health because antibacterial soaps kill even normal bacterial groups on human skin that are necessary for skin balance. Also, handwashing was been shown to be beneficial in reducing the incidence of infection. On options A and B, although professional teeth cleaning does help in overall mouth welfare, it is not paramount, or vital, and therefore does not have to be regular if a person carries out his/her personal hygiene in the proper manner. However, what research HAS shown is that even if a person does a full care process of his/her teeth (brushing, flossing, etc,) if that person does not use fluoride in toothpaste, he/she will be prone to dental cavities as it has been shown that fluoride does impact the ability of bacteria to cause cavities. This is why the answer is B.
Its cirrhosis
chronic damage usauly leading to scaring of the live and live failur hope this help
According to a 2018 article written by Dr. Mark Stibich, suicide is the 2nd cause accounting for 18% of deaths among people age 15-24.
According to the CDC's 2007 statistics, homicide was the 2nd leading aide of death among people age 15-24.
According to the National Institute of Mental Health 2017 statistics, suicide was the second leading cause of death among individuals between the ages of 15 and 34.
According to the Population Reference Bureau (June 2016), suicides becsme the second cause of death among teenagers in the United States, surpassing homicide deaths.
I would say suicide is the answer, but it will depend on what year's statistics your class reference material is using.
Hope this helps! :)