That's what is called competitive enzymatic regulation. If there are more of that substance than the enzyme substrate, then most of the enzyme, if not all depending on the substance's concentration, will be inhibited on its action. If there are more substrate then the competitive substance, the expected reaction for that enzyme will happen at an expected rate. If the ratio substrate:substance is 1:1 then the reaction enzyme-substrate is very slowed down.
(1) they keep toxic substances out of the cell;
(2) they contain receptors and channels that allow specific molecules, such as ions, nutrients, wastes, and metabolic products, that mediate cellular and extracellular activities to pass between organelles and between the cell and the outside environment;
(3) they separate vital but incompatible metabolic processes conducted within organelles.
picture one
it holds the cytoplasm and cell organelles inside it. acts as a contaniner allowing only certain substance to go out aand enter.
picture two
internal structure and shape
maintains and protects internal structure and shape of a cell
tire and balloons
the tire of an car contains gas pressure
the balloon also contains gas pressure because it contains gas molecules
The main difference between the organisms are the uses of the appendage and the size and number of certain bones. The human arm is used for a variety of functions while the lizard's and the cat's are used for walking an climbing, the whale's for swimming, the frog's for support and the bird's and the bat's for flying.