F=dP/dt. So you want the momentum to change as slowly as possible in time to minimize the force. So as you catch the egg, let your hand move backward with it for awhile, slowly bringing it to a stop. If you hold your hand steady when you catch it the force due to the impact could break it.
I think it is difficult to determine what has caused climate change in the distant past because it must have been a long time ago so geologists can't carry out different experiments and figure out what gases the planet had conjured, so geologists can only make predictions based off the evidence they currently have from what the planet looked like before. The planet must have changed over the years, therefore the climate has also changed in the future, so they cannot work with how the planet looked in the past.
Acceleration is measured in m/s².
Answer: m/s²
Explanation:18kt alloy contains
i) 75% of gold
ii) 16% of silver
iii) 9% of copper
rhocopper =8.90g/cm^3
Overall density of 18kt gold
=17g/cm^3 to 3s.f
I think the answer is repulsive.... Sorry if I get this wrong? :)