Disposing of the discarded chemicals can be done by certain sfae methods mention as follows:
Most of the chemical wastes are dispose through the EHS waste program. Organic chemicals and solvents that can not be drain should be closed in a tight fitted container that has label on it as Hazardous waste, including strong acid and corrosive liquids.
Recycling of these chemicals and incineration is also use for the industrial chemical waste under professional guidance. Incineration is the process of burning chemicals in to ash through high thermal burning.
Increase in temperature makes the atoms speed up, and decrease in temperature makes the atoms move slower.
The citric acid cycle is popularly known as the Kreb's cycle. The cycle involve the oxidation of acetyl-CoA to produce energy. The Kreb's cycle is a chemical process that produces produces two carbon dioxide molecules,NADH,FADH2 and one ATP.
When oxygen is depleted, the citric acid cycle stops, apart from oxygen NAD+ and FAD could be added to the system to restore citric acid cycle activity. NAD+ acts as an electron acceptor.
Citric acid cycle/Kreb's cycle is an aerobic process that occurs in the mitochondria and produces thirty-six(36) ATPs.

The reaction is
KOH(aq) + HNO₃(aq) ⟶ KNO₃(aq) + H₂O(ℓ)
If you evaporate the water, the solid substance is the compound, potassium nitrate.

KNO₃(aq) ⟶ KNO₃(s)