To round off a given number in decimals to one decimal place (1 dp), we simply take the figure right after the decimal and approximate the remaining after it. If the second number after the decimal is a significant number (5 and above) we make it 1 and add to the number right after the decimal. If its NOT a significant number, we simply disregard it. The solutions therefore are;

Notice how the number in (1) becomes 0.7, after taking the next number (which is 9) and adding it as 1 to the number after the decimal (which is 6). The same applies to the number in (3).
Hope this solution helps you
The definition of Acre is a unit of land area equal to 4,840 square yards (0.405 hectare). :)
Step-by-step explanation:
the scale is balanced both times <em>as shown below</em>.
No scale is shown
Step-by-step explanation:
<h2>hope it helps you please mark me as brainliest </h2>