a) ARP spoofing
ARP Spoofing is a term in a computer networking, which is can be used as a penetration technique or attack methods in which an attacker sends (spoofed) Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) messages onto a local area network. The purpose is to spoof the MAC address of a trusted host and forge ARP request to overload the Switch. This will set the Switch in “FORWARD MODE” which will leads to any traffic meant for that MAC address to be sent to the attacker instead.
The therapist understands the behavioral antecedents and consequences of relevant target behavior.
The therapist understanding of behavioral antecedents and consequences of relevant target behavior will lead to therapeutic success because:
1. It will empower him to know what evidence-based treatments; that is, proven methods and techniques of treatments to use.
2. It will help administer behavioral counselling and guide to patients.
3. It will lead to targetted and reasonable treatment time frame.
4. It will eliminate complications that might occur during therapy.
The answer is letter a. Big business should be regulated by
government. Many progressives believed
that when big business runs unchecked not only does it destroy smaller
businesses but also increases the gap between the rich and the poor because it
tends to take all the profits leaving those who worked so hard with very
little. Sometimes big business left
unchecked can also resort to unlawful business operations that destroy lives.
The answer is: because it is the means by which public will becomes public policy.
Members of the congress are elected by the citizens in order to carried out their aspiration to the lawmaking process.
The citizens cannot force their will to the government and directly vote for the law that must be passed by the government. BUT , they can elect a congress who has similar goals, value, principles as them and trust that congress to make the best possible decision for them.
Because of this, we can say that the lawmaking function of congress is an important means to make public will to become public policy.