Alpha, Beta, and Gamma particles according to ability to penetrate matter.
- Alpha represent the largest particle which penetrates the least with a positive charge,
- Beta particles carry a negative charge, and
- Gamma rays are neutral.
7. An exothermic reaction
8. The bonds are forming
Calcium citrate malate contains the calcium salt of citric acid and malic acid
It is equal to Avogadro's number (NA), namely 6.022 x1023. If we have one mole of water, then we know that it will have a mass of 2 grams (for 2 moles of H atoms) + 16 grams (for one mole O atom) = 18 grams.
The question is not very much clear.
If you are asking for molecules then 1 mole water= 6.023 * 10^23
If you are asking for atoms then 1 mole water= 6.023 * 10^23 * 3
If you are asking for particles then,
So, in your example you would have one mole of water molecules. If you dissociated those water molecules, than you would end up with 2 moles of hydrogen atoms, and one mole of oxygen atoms.
I hope that was helpful!
H=1 proton,1 electron
O=8 protons,8 neutrons and 8 electrons
total particles in one H2O molecule-28
total no. of particles in 1 mole of water- 6.023 * 10^23 * 28
The Answer is D cause of the people going back and forth.