Hi! Please explain better
Cephalopods (such as octopi and squid) typically have large eyes and can move very quickly, therefore the correct answer is cephalopods.
The birds became used to the kite, and realized that it wasn't a threat.
<h2>Skeletal & Cardiac Muscle</h2>
- A skeletal muscle is a contractile organ that is directly or indirectly attached to bone. Skeletal muscles move the body. Skeletal muscle contractions pull on tendons, which are attached to bones. If contraction of the muscle causes the muscle to shorten, the bone and, thus, the body part will move. For example, the biceps brachii is attached to the shoulder and the forearm bones
- Contraction and, thus, shortening, of the biceps brachii pulls on the tendons attached to the bones. Skeletal muscle contraction, however, doesn't always result in the movement of a body part
- Contraction of smooth muscles controlled by autonomic nervous system and contraction can be initiated by electrical or chemical signals. Actin is plentiful, lacks troponin
- Skeletal muscle is controlled by somatic motor division and always begins with an action potential