If the money wage rate increased from $40.00 to 45.24 and hour and consumer prices rose by 16%, we would expect _______ people to try to find a job and employed people to want to work _______ hours.
a. more; longer.
The____ would _____.
b. quantity of labor supplied; increase.
Generally, when wage rates increase, this will led to an increase in the inflation rate. The problem is what happens if wages increase less than the inflation rate. This means that real wages will actually decrease once we adjust them to inflation. This will cause more people trying to get a job or working longer hours just to be able to pay for the same amount of goods as before.
In this example, the wage rate increased by 13.1%, but the inflation rate increased by 16%, so real wages decreased.
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Allocative efficiency is about distributing or allocating resources in the best possible manner. E.g. in order to fight the current pandemic, more resources ($) is allocated to different health care institutions.
Productive efficiency is about how a company or a person uses the resources that it has in order to produce the greatest amount of benefits at the lowest possible cost. E.g. in a hospital, if a doctor is able to treat 15 patients per day, his/her productive efficiency will be higher than another doctor that only treats 10 patients per day.
direct marketing is all about being aggressive and chasing your customers with sales pitches that may or may not lead to revenue. Indirect marketing is all about connecting with the audience, giving them information, and getting customers come to you.
Answer: BB
Because the credit help the company BB to run over and to make monney.