I have searched everywhere, but I have not found the proposals of the question, but I will explain to you what is the endoplasmic reticulum so that you can answer it.
The endoplasmic reticulum is a eukaryotic organelle located in the cytoplasm.
The endoplasmic reticulum is a network of membrane tubules (often interconnected) scattered throughout the cytoplasm of eukaryotic cells. Its membrane, which alone represents more than half of the cellular membrane system, is in contact with the nuclear envelope.
The endoplasmic reticulum can be:
Granular (or rough) (RER) that is to say associated with ribosomes.
Smooth (SER).
The granular endoplasmic reticulum is the place of synthesis (in the associated ribosomes) of the proteins secreted outside the cell and of the proteins and lipids constituting the membranes of the cellular organelles. Golgi, lysosomes, mitochondria, nucleus, ribosomes, vesicles ...). It participates in the correct folding of the proteins that have just been synthesized.
The smooth endoplasmic reticulum participates in cellular metabolism, synthesizing lipids and storing calcium.
At 0 years, an event took place which is known as metamorphosis of igneous rock i.e., formation of igneous rocks from melted magma.
Strontium-90 is a radioactive element which undergoes beta decay to form yttrium-90. It has a half life of approximately 28 years and decay energy of 0.546 MeV. This radioactivity is used by geologist to estimate the age of the rock, fossils, meteorites etc. Other radioactive elements used by the geologists are carbon-40, potassium-40 etc.
Radiometric clock is set when the rock was formed in the past i.e., the moment when an ingenious rock was solidified from molten magma.
This was answered else where on Brainly, and this is what they said,
"Most proteins in the living organisms are enzymes and they required specific optimum conditions in order to function optimally. Disruption in the homeostasis will leads to deactivation of these proteins. For instance, if the temperature needed for a protein to work optimally has been exceeded, the protein may be denatured and will be unable to perform its needed functions, this may result in several adverse effects in the organism."