Three ways you can be safe when using social media and the internet is to make your account private, don't share personal information, and don't talk to strangers. You should make your account private because it allows you to see who wants to follow you and it allows you to allow whether or not they are allowed to follow you. You shouldn't share personal information because someone can possibly track you down, or your house, or your school, etc. Talking to strangers applies to everywhere including online. You won't know how they'll respond and that can make you uncomfortable.
You can be safe on the internet by never sharing personal information on sketchy websites. Another way you can be safe is by being careful when presented links of any kind. You can also download a virus protectors.
The action you should take is to do what you can to help her by squeezing her belly to get the stuff out of her throat or call a neighbor even though I don't think there is time for that.