Dealing with an uncomfortable or unbearable feeling or situation often requires a coping strategy. These are activities that one do in order to minimize, tolerate or reduce the effect of the stressful events that is happening. This can be a behavioral or psychological activity.
The African slave trade was used by the Spanish Crown to help bolster the encomienda system.
The encomienda system under the Spanish Crown was a grant of labor given to conquistadores who acted on behalf of Spain in the colonization of Latin America and also earlier, for example, during the Christian crusades. Conquered peoples were considered vassals of the Spanish Crown, although in the case of the Americas this was complex because the Queen had deemed Native Americans to be free vassals of the Crown. Therefore, the Indigenous population had some legal protections in theory via the Real Audiencias. Slaves were brought from Africa when indigenous populations began to decline. The slaves were brought to Latin America to fill the labor shortages in agriculture primarily but also in the mines in certain regions like the Andes and Mexico.
A typical counterexample to biocentric egalitarianism is that we tend to believe that killing a cow is worse than killing a carrot.
Biocentric egalitarianism is a theory that suggest that all living things possess equal moral status, that is, nothing is superior to any other.
- The theory of biocentric egalitarianism asserts that plants have the right not to be harmed and same as Animals and Humans.
Hence, a typical counterexample to biocentric egalitarianism is that we tend to believe that killing a cow is worse than killing a carrot.
Read more about Biocentric egalitarianism:
The Categorical Imperative, was the philosophical view of moral actions and behavior in people, according to Immanuel Kant, its creator. Basically, this philosophy states that there are universal truths that cannot be altered, or changed, by absolutely anything: not by culture, not by genetics, not by learning, and much less by the beliefs of the majority. A truth is what it is, and it must be obeyed as the utmost "right", not merely what is "good".
In contrast to Kant´s philosophy, which was born from Kant´s displeasure with how the society of his time behaved, it was hypothetical imperatives that would dictate how people needed to behave to be considered moral. These hypothetical imperatives were truths that were dependent on certain circumstances, and on empirical knowledge, and therefore, were bound to change given certain conditions. This was something that Kant could not tolerate and thus fed his need to create his Categorical Imperative philosophy.
However, even during his own time Kant´s philosophy was criticized and questioned. And one person who did that was Benjamin Constant, who proposed the idea of the Inquiring Murdered. He said that if Kant´s philosophy of moral behavior was absolute, then when a murdered asked a question, he should be given the TRUTH, because that woud be what was universally held as morally right. But if that truth led to the murderer finding his victim, then, what did the philosophy told people was right to do? This questioning showed even Kant that there were instances in which due to the nature of the situation, lying would not be held as wrong, but rather, as the correct measure to act morally.
There is only one God( it is a monotheistic religion)