PCPs (primary care physicians) are gatekeepers because they treat the while patient and manage referrals to specialists, rather than a patient deciding which specialist's opinions are sought. this concept became popular with the adven advent of HMOs - and services would only be paid if the PCP sought approval for major diagnostic tests and referrals. PCPs were financially rewarded if their patient population had fewer expensive tests and/or referrals.
FBAO: Foreign body airway obstruction (or foreign object airway obstruction)
When your airways are completely obstructed you can't speak properly. Vocal chords make sound out of air, once the air is gone, speaking goes with it. Because she can speak it is only mild FBAO.
The symptoms and signs and symptoms of magnesium sulfate toxicity (ie. hypotension, areflexia (lack of DTRs), respiratory depression, respiration arrest, oliguria, shortness of breath, chest pains, slurred speech, hypothermia, confusion, circulatory fall apart).
Calcium gluconate: the antidote for magnesium toxicity is calcium gluconate 1 g IV over 3 mins. Repeat doses may be essential. Calcium chloride also can be used in lieu of calcium gluconate. The counseled dose for calcium chloride for magnesium toxicity is 500 mg of 10% calcium chloride IV given over 5-10 mins.
Magnesium sulfate and calcium channel blocking off drugs as antidotes for acute organophosphorus insecticide poisoning - a systematic assessment and meta-analysis.
Learn more about calcium here: brainly.com/question/461228