if ( name1 > name2) {
first = name1;
} else {
first = name2;
First you need take a decision for that reason you need and if - else structure to decide if asign the variable name1 or the variable name2 to the result. Later you can use an > or < to compare two strings because it use the ASCII code to compare wich one is larger than another.
if ( name1 > name2) {
first = name1;
} else {
first = name2;
Well i'm not gonna suggest you unpiecing your device because you sir probably lack the skills of doing so but what i will suggest to you is to press your share button and you p playstation button at the same time for at least a minute than try charging it again if that solution does work i would advise tring to unopiece the device but by doing carefully and slowly and remembering where each pieces are staying and i want you to take out the eos system and putting it back in and then piece back together and if that solutiuon doesn't work call playstation or email them or go ahead and go and try to repair it or you can go and BUY A NEW CONTROLLER. hope i helped have a good day bro.
Causes of Stress
Being unhappy in your job.
Having a heavy workload or too much responsibility.
Working long hours.
Having poor management, unclear expectations of your work, or no say in the decision-making process.
Working under dangerous conditions.
Being insecure about your chance for advancement or risk of termination.
Answer: Transceivers
Wireless network adapters differ from regular network adapters because they contain transceivers as, the transceiver is that portion of the network interface which transmitted the data by concerting digital data into the digital signals in the medium. Basically, the network adapter are responsible for connected the host in the network medium and also convert the binary form data.Transceiver signal are basically depends upon the type of the network.